As part of our new COROS Coaches service, we received a few questions about what is a proper warm-up. Below you will find a short 10-minute warm-up that you can download to your training plan!

The Warm-Up

Taking it slow with a warm-up helps your body ease into a workout, making the shift from resting to being active smoother. This also helps lessen the initial stiffness and tightness that you might have. As your muscles warm up, they become more flexible, improving your overall range of motion and lowering your risk of getting injured.

Dynamic vs. Static Warmups

Dynamic stretches are usually done before you run to help focus on muscle activation and increase blood flow. These stretches often mimic the movement of your upcoming workout.  

Some examples of dynamic stretches are:

  • Straight Leg Lateral Swing
  • Lateral Band Walks
  • Running Butt Kicks
  • High Knees

Static stretches are usually done after a run to help you cool down & recover. These stretches help lengthen your muscles back out after a workout & help relieve tension. Static stretches are held for a certain length of time, ideally 30-45 seconds.

Some examples of static stretches are:

  • Pigeon Pose
  • Lunge Hip Flexor Stretch
  • Runner's Lunge
  • Standing Quad Stretch

What should I include in my Dynamic Warm-Up?

The Dynamic Warm-up is not meant to be an intense workout but rather 5-10 minutes of low-intensity bodyweight exercises that target the muscles used while running. These exercises should be simple and not leave you breathless.

The Dynamic Warm-up should happen before every run. It is important not to rush through each exercise and gradually increase your heart rate, blood flow, and body temperature.

Here is a Dynamic Warm-up that you can download from our COROS Workout Library:

Example Workout from the COROS Workout Library

What are the Training Benefits?

Whether it's a speed workout, easy run, long run, and even a strength workout, you should incorporate a dynamic warm-up. A Dynamic warm-up focuses on warming up muscles and joints through controlled, rhythmic motions.

  • Increases flexibility and enhances coordination
  • Increases heart rate, blood flow, and body temperature
  • Reduces the risk of injuries

If you would like your training questions answered, email us at, and we will be happy to share insights!