Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is an estimation of the highest average power you can sustain for one hour, measured in watts. For cyclists, measuring your FTP is the best way to understand your fitness and optimize your training zones. However, these tests are typically difficult to complete with many cyclists often choosing to skip the process of measuring their FTP altogether.

With the latest update, COROS now offers a guided FTP test that users can follow on their watch to determine their FTP with less effort than a standard test. Completed on an indoor trainer with a power meter, cyclists are guided through a series of intervals to establish their FTP accurately without the rigor of a standard FTP test. Once the test is complete, COROS EvoLab updates the cyclist's FTP and power zones as well as automatically adjusting them based on their daily training.

Read below for a complete breakdown of the new COROS Cycling FTP Test and its benefits!

Cycling FTP Test

In order to be as efficient as possible in your training, it is important as a cyclist to be aware of your individualized intensity zones. A wide variety of cycling tests exist to identify those zones, but they tend to be difficult to complete, and leave the athlete feeling exhausted. The COROS Cycling FTP Test allows you to update your intensity zones through a controlled submaximal test that identifies your different zones, but without the demand of traditional tests.

Below you find a summary of the Cycling FTP Test. In order to complete the test, you will need:

Cycling FTP Test can be found on your COROS watch.

10 minWarm upOpen.
30 secSprintIncrease power as high as you can for 30 sec.
5 minRecoveryOpen.
20 min80% FTPMaintain the power range prescribed for 20min. This intensity should feel hard, but sustainable. During this section, your power/HR relationship is being analyze to determine your FTP.
3 min95% FTPThis stage is the beginning of a shortened incremental test to increase your HR linearly.
3 min105% FTPThis stage follows the previous one at a slightly greater power range. We aim for your HR to reach >90% of your HR Reserve.
3 min (Optional*)110% FTPIf your HR is still <90% of your HR Reserve, you must complete this 3rd incremental stage.
3 min (Optional*)115% FTPIf your HR is still <90% of your HR Reserve, you must complete this 4th and last incremental stage.
5 minCool downOpen.

*Optional: These steps will occur only if your HR is still <90% HR Reserve.

Most FTP tests available usually require cyclists to ride for 20min as hard as they can, leading to excessive fatigue and a strong desire to never complete such test ever again. With this new method from the COROS Cycling FTP Test, cyclists go through a series of intervals at easy intensity with only 6-9min above their threshold intensity to establish all your power zones accurately. That way, cyclists spend considerably less time at high intensity with a test that identifies your power zones for optimal training.

Can I complete the test outside? As of now, it is impossible to complete the Cycling FTP Test outside due to external variables (e.g., wind, hills, etc.) and safety concerns. By completing the test inside on a bike trainer, we get a better controlled environment for more accurate metrics.

Cycling FTP Test results as seen from the COROS app.

What Can FTP Help You Achieve Your Cycling Goals?

Since power is the gold standard intensity measurement in cycling, your threshold ability (FTP) is displayed with power (Watts). Therefore, your FTP is identified as the highest average power you can sustain for roughly 45min depending on your training experience.

Once you complete the test, EvoLab will provide updated metrics determined with the test:

  • Functional Threshold Power (FTP)
  • Updated 7 power zones
  • Maximal Power obtained during the test
  • Maximal HR obtained during the test

Once the test is complete with updated metrics, your FTP will update automatically as you continue on your training journey. Once COROS understands your parameters, it will update after certain rides based on your increase or decrease of abilities. Due to our software, this significantly reduces the amount of FTP tests you'll need to perform throughout your season.

Do I need a power meter to complete the test? Yes, you do. The Cycling FTP Test cannot be completed without a power meter since it is the only way for you to get accurate cycling intensity zones.

How Can COROS Coaches Help?

COROS Coaches are a team of dedicated and certified coaches who can guide you in your training and understanding your metrics, for free. If you wish to get individualized insights from your data, please feel to email us at, and we will be happy to help you in your training journey!