As part of our new COROS Coaches service, we received a few questions about adding strength workouts into a running routine. Below you will find a short and simple workout. This workout can be done following your run and is helpful for all runners.

The Workout

Download the strength routine to your watch here. The focus of the workout is the lower body and finishes with the core. Target areas include hips, glutes, hamstrings, quads, calves, and core. This workout can be done 2-3 times a week.

This workout is well-suited for individuals leading busy lives or facing challenges in fitting in strength training. Finding time for running can already be demanding, and incorporating a strength routine can add an extra layer of complexity. This workout can be done in less than 20 minutes and requires no equipment.

The full workout can be found here.

The Why

Incorporating a simple strength routine after a run can provide numerous benefits to your running. Here are some reasons why a post-run strength routine is beneficial:

  • Muscle Activation and Balance: Running primarily engages specific muscles, and a post-run strength routine can help activate and strengthen muscles that may not have been fully engaged during your run. This helps promote better muscle balance and reduces the risk of overuse injuries.
  • Improved Running Form: A well-rounded strength routine can enhance your core stability, posture, and overall body mechanics. This can lead to improved running form and efficiency.
  • Injury Prevention: Strength training helps strengthen muscles, tendons, and ligaments, reducing the risk of common running-related injuries such as IT band syndrome, shin splints, and runner's knee.
  • Increased Power and Speed: Strength training can enhance your explosive power, which is crucial for sprinting, hill running, and surges during races.
  • Bone Health: Weight-bearing strength exercises promote bone density and overall bone health, which is important for runners to reduce the risk of stress fractures.

Always ensure proper form during your strength exercises, and consult a fitness professional or physical therapist if you have any specific concerns or conditions.

Coaching Insights

Since we all respond differently to a given workout, here are some alternatives depending on your goal, time, or capacity.

  • To make the workout more challenging, add weights to single leg exercises and calf raises.
  • Take your time going through the exercises. Moving fast is less effective.
  • It is best to do strength on your hard workout days. Make sure you are not overdoing strength the day before a workout or long run, so your body is ready for those specific sessions.
  • If you notice imbalances between your legs, focus on exercises that target the weaker leg. This can help prevent injury and create more balanced running mechanics.
  • If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort, stop and consult a professional.

If you have questions about incorporating strength into your routine, send us an email at, and we’ll be happy to share insights!