As part of our new COROS Coaches service, we received a few questions about incorporating hip mobility into a runner's weekly training. Below, you will find a quick strength workout to improve your hip mobility as a runner. This workout can be useful to all runners and can be done before or after runs.

The Workout

Download the hip mobility routine to your watch here. The workout focuses on a range of motion and finishes with the core. This workout can be done 2-3 times a week, takes less than 20 minutes, and only a band is needed!

The Why

  • Increased Stride Length: Adequate hip mobility allows for a longer stride length, which can lead to more efficient and faster running.
  • Better Muscle Activation: When your hips can move freely, it allows for optimal activation of hip muscles like the glutes and hip flexors. These muscles are vital for generating power and stabilizing the pelvis during running.
  • Reduced Risk of Injury: Tight hips can contribute to imbalances and compensatory movements that may increase the risk of injuries, particularly in the hips, knees, and lower back.
  • Easier Warm-Up and Recovery: Dynamic stretches that involve hip movement can help prepare your body for a run and aid in post-run recovery.
  • Longevity and Comfort: Maintaining hip mobility as you age can contribute to overall joint health and comfort. Flexible hips are less prone to stiffness and discomfort, allowing you to continue enjoying running for years to come.

Coaching Insights

  • This workout can be done before runs or after.
  • Proper form is essential to avoid injury and achieve effective results. Emphasize maintaining good posture and alignment throughout each movement.
  • Consistency is key for improving hip mobility.
  • Hip mobility exercises should be dynamic and fluid. Avoid holding static stretches before your run.
  • If you have any underlying health conditions, injuries, or concerns, it's advisable to consult a physical therapist, sports coach, or healthcare professional.

Muscle Heat Map of Workout seen in COROS App

Everyone's body is different, and your needs may vary. Remember that hip mobility is an ongoing process. Regularly reassess your mobility, adjust your routine as needed, and be patient with your progress. Over time, improved hip mobility can contribute to better running performance. If you're unsure how to incorporate this workout into your training, email us at, and we’ll be happy to share insights!