Wellness Check makes its introduction in your COROS watch toolbox. Now, you can take a manual 30-60 second assessment that will provide a variety of health values at the same time. It is a new feature designed to provide users with a comprehensive overview of your wellness status, essential for those on the go, athletes in training, or anyone curious about monitoring their health.
How To Interpret Your Results?
Once you complete a Wellness Check on your COROS watch, you can access your results right away, which include five distinct values that each gives you a snapshot of your health in that moment.
Wellness Check as seen from the COROS app.
Disclosure. Wellness Check is not for medical purposes, and the results are for reference only. If you need further explanation on any recordings, please consult a medical professional.
Heart Rate
This value refers to the average HR collected during the test. It may not correspond with your Resting HR if you have taken the test throughout the day. The Resting HR displayed refers to the value set in EvoLab, which corresponds to the lowest value collected. If you would like the HR value to reflect your resting HR, we suggest taking the test when you wake up in the morning.
- At rest, values of 50-100 are considered healthy (could be lower for elite athletes).
This value refers to a snapshot of your current nervous system state at the moment the test was taken. Now provided in absolute values (ms), your HRV scores are highly individual, so we suggest limiting your comparison to your own previous recordings.
- At rest, values will range widely depending on the individual. Younger adults (18-30 years old) will find healthy values of 40-80 ms, while older adults (50-80 years old) will find healthy values of 20-40 ms.
This value refers to a snapshot of your Daily Stress at the moment the test was taken. It allows you to quickly grasp how much stress your body is under.
- At rest, values should range between 1-25 (Calm) or 26-50 (Low).
Breathing Rate
This value refers to the number of breaths you take per minute at the moment the test was taken. This value can be influenced by exercise, stress, or illness.
- At rest, values of 12-20 brpm are considered healthy.
This value refers to the amount of oxygen your blood is currently carrying at the moment the test was taken. This value can be influenced by altitude, exercise, or illness.
- At rest, values of 95-100% are considered healthy.
If any of those values are higher than the recommended range displayed above, sit for 5 minutes and retake the test. If some values are still too high, message COROS Coaches at coach@coros.com to better understand your metrics.
Wellness Check results directly from your COROS watch.
Why Should I Take A Wellness Check?
Wellness Check is a great resource for all athletes looking to monitor a specific metric over time, or to simply stay on top of it during their training. However, the when and how the test is taken are two variables that can drastically impact how you interpret your results. This is why COROS Coaches are providing a quick tutorial below to make sure you can get the most of your Wellness Checks!
- If you wish to monitor your Wellness Check over time, we highly suggest taking them on a regular basis first thing in the morning. When wearing the watch overnight, you can stay in bed and take the test right away when you wake up. This will remove a large number of variables from our morning routine that can alter some values, like food, caffeine, or screen time.
- If you are taking the test consistently when you wake up, you can either take it lying in bed or sitting on your bed. Either way is fine as long as you are being consistent about it. If you are taking the test sporadically, make sure you take a 5-10min of rest either sitting or lying down before taking the test. This will allow your nervous system to calm down and provide reflective measurements of your current health.
Why do my results vary so much from test to test? To ensure the best accuracy in your measurement, make sure to be well rested, clean up the optical sensor of your watch, and rest your arm on a hard surface for the duration of the test.
Some values, like HR and HRV, are very easily influenced by the smallest actions you are doing on a daily basis. This is why you can see higher variation in those metrics even within a few minutes apart. This is why we suggest keeping your tests as consistent as possible and looking out for trends over time.