The first few weeks of running in the summer heat can be challenging and leave you feeling frustrated, but with patience and the right preparation, it can become enjoyable. For runners, especially those who are new or returning after a time off, adapting to hot weather is important for staying safe and maintaining training. Heat acclimation helps your body adjust to higher temperatures, reducing the risk of heat-related issues.

Here are some tips from COROS Coaches on how to acclimate to the warmer temps and use time-based training to stay on track for your goals.

Acclimating to Running in the Heat

Heat acclimation is an essential part of training for runners looking to safely and comfortably enjoy their workouts throughout the summer months. By gradually adapting to higher temperatures your body becomes more efficient at cooling itself, help maintain performance, and lowering your risk of heat exhaustion. Here are a few stops to help you get started:

  • Start slow: Start with short, easy runs during the cooler parts of the day and gradually increase your time running in the heat. Give your body 1-2 weeks of running in the heat to get more comfortable.
  • Monitor and adjust effort: Listen to your body. Everyone is going to adjust at different rates. Manage your running time and effort based on how you are feeling and avoid overexerting yourself.
  • Time-based training: Your body doesn't know how far you've run, but it can sense how long you have been running. Instead of focusing on running a certain distance, try planning to run for a specific amount of time.
  • Heart Rate and Effort Pace: When the temperature reaches 75F degrees or higher, your heart rate may increase up to 10 bpm, and humidity may increase your heart rate even more. Using your HR and Effort Pace will help you to maintain a consistent effort throughout training.

Example of using HR and Effort pace from Training Hub.

If you want real-time data reflecting your effort running in the heat, we suggest running with the COROS POD 2 and COROS Heart Rate Monitor!

Time-based Workouts

Running for a set amount of time ensures that your effort remains consistent. For example, a 30-minute run on a hot, humid day will naturally be slower than on a cooler day. By focusing on time, you adapt your pace to the conditions, which helps prevent overexertion and reduces the risk of heat-related stress or injury.

Here are some workouts from the COROS Official library that you can download directly to your training calendar.

Lower-intensity time-based runs:

Higher-intensity time-based runs:

Effort Pace Runs:

For more information on the benefits of time-based training, check out this COROS Coaches blog about Unlocking the Benefits of Timed Training.

Try running early morning or at the end of the day to avoid peak sun time!

How Can COROS Coaches Help?

COROS Coaches are a team of dedicated and certified coaches who can guide you in your training and understanding your metrics, for free. Email them at today and get the discussion going on how to train toward your goals!