For Hillary, UTMB (Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc) is more than just a race. It’s the culmination of years of hard work and a deep love for the sport. As she prepares to take on the challenging 100-mile course, she carries with her the lessons learned from her past and the excitement for what lies ahead. "The daily grind of training, the cool adventure runs, and the friendships I’ve made along the way make all the hard work worth it."

The team at COROS had the chance to speak with her about how she's prepared for the race and what she is most looking forward to at this year's 2024 UTMB.

The Journey to 2024 UTMB

Hillary’s relationship with UTMB dates back several years. After a severe fall seven years ago that nearly ended her running career, Hillary set her sights on UTMB. She has participated in various races throughout the region of France. Her first near-100-mile race was Sur les Traces des Ducs de Savoie (TDS) in 2019, and since then, UTMB has always been a goal that she has wanted to accomplish.

Last year, however, was particularly challenging for Hillary. She underwent ankle surgery to repair lingering issues from her fall, and soon after, she broke her toe during a training run, derailing her plans for going to Chamonix in 2023. Despite these setbacks, Hillary never lost sight of her goal. Though she felt her training was rushed, Hillary completed a race in Thailand to qualify for the 2024 UTMB. This year, she has been fully committed to preparing for the race.

"This has been a long time coming. Training for UTMB has been a big goal of mine ever since my fall seven years ago."

Hillary has spent the summer in Europe, immersing herself in the trails that will be part of the UTMB course.

“Today, I went for a run and climbed over 6,000 feet in one shot. It's intense, but it's what you have to do to prepare for a race like this."

From running in Italy to participating in trail running festivals in the UK, she’s been putting in the miles and gaining valuable experience on the terrain. The challenges of the European mountains, with their steep climbs and descents, have been perfect for preparing her body for UTMB.

"Going into the race this year feels different. It’s taken me a bit to find my confidence and get my momentum back running again. But I've been all in this summer, with the support of my sponsors, to prepare properly. I've put in the big vert and the big miles that are necessary to run this race."

A New Approach to Training

This year, Hillary’s training has been all about specificity. “Training on the UTMB course is essential,” she says. Spending time on the trails around Mont Blanc has allowed her to build the strength and endurance needed for the race. Her days often include long runs with significant elevation gain, followed by grueling descents. This type of training not only prepares her physically but mentally as well, as she gets accustomed to the race’s demanding conditions.

One new aspect of Hillary’s preparation is working with her new coach, Matt. He has her focused on building fatigue resistance by incorporating daily double sessions into her routine.

"I've been doubling almost every day, with a second session in the evening that's often a hike. It’s something I haven't done before, but it’s crucial for building that fatigue resistance."

Her coach has also incorporated more threshold work into her training. This means doing back-to-back runs, where one of the runs involves intense threshold intervals. The goal is to build speed and endurance without risking injury. While these workouts can be intimidating, Hillary finds them rewarding, as they push her limits and build her confidence.

The Importance of COROS in Training

Hillary relies heavily on her VERTIX 2S to make her training efficient and effective. With COROS she maps out her runs, tracks her progress, and ensures she’s prioritizing recovery when her body needs it.

"I travel a lot and use tools like Strava and heat maps to find trails. Being able to create a GPX file and load it onto my watch makes training so much easier. I still have to do the hard work, but having the stress of navigation taken care of is a huge relief."

Hillary also monitors her output, having access to this data has allowed her to optimize her training and ensure she’s on the right track.

“I train by hours, focusing on vertical gain and terrain specificity." She uses effort pace to fine-tune her workouts, ensuring that she’s not just putting in the miles, but doing so in a way that she's not wasting energy especially when the trails become more technical.

Photo by Adrien Colleur

Mindset: The Often Overlooked Part of Training

For Hillary, the mental aspect of training is just as important as the physical. She works closely with a sports psychologist and keeps a daily journal to stay grounded and focused.

"I have mantras that I write down, and I keep a gratitude journal to reflect on what I did well each day. It’s been really helpful, especially when I'm feeling frustrated or tired."

Hillary knows that UTMB will push her to her limits, both physically and mentally. But she's ready to embrace the challenge.

“I’m excited for the journey and what I’ll discover about myself along the way. Running these long distances is a chance to expose my strengths and weaknesses, and that’s what makes it so rewarding.”

Goal for UTMB- Embracing the Journey

Hillary is realistic about the challenges she’ll face during UTMB. In her last attempt, she finished 14th with a time of just over 29 hours. This year, she’s aiming for a time closer to 25-26 hours, but more than the time or placement, the most important goal for her is to run a race she’s proud of.

"I want to give my best, problem solve when challenges arise, and know that I did everything I could."

With her training and mindset, she's ready to take on the 2024 Mont Blanc 100-miler with determination and heart. As she says, "Getting to the start line healthy and being able to throw myself into the ring—that’s what matters most."

The team at COROS has seen firsthand the dedication and passion that Hillary has poured into her training, and we couldn’t be more excited to see her take on the 2024 UTMB. Hillary’s journey is an inspiration to athletes everywhere, and we’re confident that her hard work and determination will pay off on race day!