Regardless of your experience level, whether you're just starting or have already tackled various distances and races, you understand the excitement of crossing the finish line after months of dedicated training. However, if your goal is to improve your performance and safeguard your body against the risks of running-related injuries, there's a piece that you may not have fully embraced: the importance of strength training.

COROS Coaches have received a lot of questions about how to include strength training alongside running. We have put together our very first strength training plan to help guide you through 8-weeks of workouts!

New Strength Training Plan for Injury Prevention

Strength training builds a solid foundation of strength, stability, and flexibility that can help minimize your risk of running-related injuries. It's not just about running faster; it's about running smarter and protecting your body from the stress of training and racing.

COROS Coaches have put together our very first strength training plan that you can sync with your training calendar. You will find everything that you need to help guide you through the 8-weeks:

  • Explanations and Video demonstrations of workouts
  • Number of reps and sets for all exercises
  • A suggestion of weight or resistance that can be used (this plan does require you to have access to some equipment such as resistance bands, dumbbells, and kettlebells)

If you have questions or need modifications as you go through the plan, reach out to COROS Coaches via!

8-Week Training Plan

This 8-week training plan incorporates a series of targeted exercises to strengthen key muscle groups, improve balance, and promote proper biomechanics. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned runner, this program is tailored to support your long-term running goals by prioritizing injury prevention and optimal performance.

The plan includes 3 workouts a week:

  • Monday: Lower Body
  • Wednesday: Full Body
  • Friday: Upper Body and Core

Each week is going to build on the next helping muscles to adapt and grow stronger, reducing the risk of injury due to sudden increases in load. You are going to see similar exercises used each week so that you not only become more comfortable with the movements but also help track your progress.  

The 8 weeks are broken into four phases to avoid doing too much, too soon.

1-2IntroductionImproving technique
3-4ProgressionAdding weights
5-6Running EconomyIncreasing repetitions & complexity of movements
7-8StrengthIncreasing weight while decreasing repetitions

Download the plan here: 8-Week Strength Training Plan for Injury Prevention

Weeks 5-6 of the new training plan available in our training plan library.

COROS Coaches Tips

  • You can move the workouts around to fit your schedule, but remember to allow 48 hours of rest between strength sessions
    • The schedule is built so that you are not exhausting your lower body 1-2 days before a long run. If you typically plan your long run during the week, you can switch the workouts.
  • Focus on quality of movement rather than quantity. Use a mirror or record yourself performing each exercise to ensure proper form (send us a video at and we can help out!)
  • Do not pick up the heaviest weights to start, if you are newer to strength training, begin with resistance bands and gradually increase the weight.
Just like with running, it is important to be fully warmed up prior to lifting weights to prevent injury.  It is recommended to spend 5 minutes focused on low-intensity cardio and then 5-10 minutes focused on a few mobility exercises.

Coach Stacey about to complete a set of back squat.

What are the Training Benefits?

This plan is designed to be followed during any phase of training but following it, particularly during the off-season, is the best way to set yourself up for the higher volume of running to come.

  • Muscle Endurance: Building muscle endurance through strength training helps runners maintain their form and posture over longer distances. This helps delay form from breaking down as fatigue sets in during a training run or race.
  • Running Power: Enhances your running power, leading to a more efficient running form, and contributing to improved running for the same perceived effort.
  • Single-Leg Strength: A lot of exercises require balance and coordination to perform correctly. As runners engage in these exercises, they develop better single-leg strength, which can translate to more stable and controlled movements during running, especially on the trails.

If you have questions about this training plan or training questions in general, email us at, and we will be happy to share insights!

Bent Over Row is a great and safe upper body exercise.